By Staff Reporter
Photo by Carl Banks
On Thursday, October 5, at 10:30 a.m., Willow high school’s cafeteria staff will be celebrating our National School Lunch Program with the theme, “Level Up with School Lunch” incorporating video games into the menu and experience.
Cafeteria technicians Jacquelyn Williams, Carol Anderson, and Catherine Francois, Child Nutrition Manager, have invited some parents, retired Child Nutrition Staff, Cafeteria Director Rosie Jackson, and others to see the celebration.
On the menu are barbeque chicken drummettes, green beans, potato salad, tropical fruit, and chilled milk–all with video game-related names like XP Boosters and Side Quest. In the variation line is a sliced turkey with cheese or chicken fajita on a spinach tortilla wrap.
Willow students from a wide range of disciplines are adding to the festivities. Mr. Billing’s students will be filming and photographing the day, Mr. McCrea’s students have built a Nintendo Switch for the event, Mr. Bratcher’s students will be performing a skit, our own Mr. Schneider is doing a presentation called “The History and Importance of School Lunch,” Mr. Reif’s students are making banners to decorate, and Mr. Jordan’s students will be performing “Afro Blue,” “At Last,” and “Open Country.” A local chef will also be on display in the cafeteria for the event.
The video games theme involves games being tied into the school lunch menu, as well as prizes to win.
“This is a way we market our program and try to increase our participation for students to dine with us instead of bringing lunch from home, or buying fast foods,” Francois said. “Our hard-working team here at Willow High serves up nutritious meals while engaging with the students on a daily basis.”